Musiques Libre de droit

It’s great that your music is on our playlist!


It’s great that your music is on our playlist!

Sharing a story and following us on Instagram are welcome:

Playlist Information

Please note that your music will be placed at the end of the playlist. If you want to stay longer on the playlist and be ranked in the top 30:

  • Listen to the playlist where your music is placed
  • Or listen to this playlist: Spotify Playlist

(At least 15 tracks in full. More is even better, as I reward those who listen to more than 30 tracks by placing them on other playlists.)

How to Submit Your Listening History

Send me an email with a screenshot of your listening history (not of the playlist) to:

[email protected]


  • The name of your music
  • The Spotify link to your music
  • The name of the playlist where your music is placed

Use this site to track your listening history: Stats for Spotify

Don’t forget to send me this information with each listening report.

Boost Your Placement

To be placed in the top 30, subscribe to my social networks (links below) and share a story on Instagram with the playlist link:

Send me your listening history weekly to remain in the top 30. Playlists are updated once a week, usually on Saturday or Sunday.

Music Submissions

You can also submit your music directly on our website via Daily Playlist:


I discovered this amazing site to promote your music for free!


Get your music discovered by millions. For free.
Thematic connects your music with influencers who promote your songs across YouTube videos, social media, and podcasts.

Follow Me on Social Networks